Viver é fazer meia com uma intenção dos outros. Mas, ao fazê-la, o pensamento é livre, e todos os príncipes encantados podem passear nos seus parques entre mergulho e mergulho da agulha de marfim com bico reverso. Croché das coisas...
(Bernardo Soares, Livro do desassossego)


Are rules making us less wiser? Why do we learn rules in the first place? People say it's important to learn rules so we can live in society and so we can learn how to break them. I can't say rules aren't important. We live in a very complex society, with very complex relations. But I can't help questioning myself who's making the rules and what purpose do they serve? And it's also difficult not questioning the reason why people follow the rules like there's nothing else in the world, believing in the values under them like absolut truth. So who's teaching us how to break these rules, when to break them and under what circumstances? Do we have to learn it by ourselves, with our own experiences? How do we do that?

I leave you with the words of Barry Schwartz.

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